
Čebelarski razvojno-izobraževalni center Gorenjske

Rožna dolina 50a
4248 Lesce

Click to download our brochure

Opening hours

Monday to Friday: 8:00 – 20:00
Saturday: 8:30 – 17:00


Mobile: +386 31 628 499
E-mail: cebelarski.center@gmail.com

BEEJOY CAFFEE: +386 40 802 857

BABKA SHOP: +386 31 358 961

The beekeeping education centre of Gorenjska

Modernly equipped and designed beekeeping education centre of Gorenjska links up the world of beekeeping, bees and bee products with general public. The purpose of the centre is preservation of rich Slovene beekeeping heritage, protection of  autochthonous Carniolian honey bee, raising awareness about its importance, connection to unpolluted environment and protection of nature.


The beekeeping education centre offers you:

  • Tasting and sale of Slovenian origin honey in the shop
  • Excellent coffee, tea or natural drinks on beautiful terrace next to the beehive
  • Guided tours of apiary (by prior notice)
  • Workshops: how to paint beehive panels, beeswax candle making (by prior notice)
  • Exhibition area
  • Accessible for the disabled
